eMule 0.50a -XdP- v5.3 Public beta1
ADD : Download Permissions [only download from community,Friends or all ,switchable
per file + Global] (umeK)
ADD : Upload Permission optiontree also added to the shareddirstree (umeK)
UPDATE : European Community V2 (umeK)*
UPDATE : Links for nodes.dat,server.met & ipfilter.zip (umeK)
IMPROVE : better handling of mod relevant codes/changes/addons + cleanings (umeK)
IMPROVE : optimized some code from Upload Permissions + GUI (umeK)
IMPROVE : reworked many parts of Sources Management [better Quickstart integration,
better sourcecache use in some situations,socket checking & code optimizations] (umeK)
IMPROVE : more infos to -XdP- Stats (umeK)
IMPROVE : small slotlimiter optimization (umeK)
CHANGE : some mod relevant strings (umeK)
FIX : a rar Crashbug on Upload Permissions (umeK)
FIX : Conchecker logging twice (umeK)
REMOVE : some unneeded code from older versions (umeK)
REMOVE : Version check [official code] (umeK)
REMOVE : Text to speech [official code] (umeK)
FIX/IMPROVE : many other things around the source (umeK)
*Changelog European Community V2 [v0.5]:
ADD : Community stats on main statistics tree [session,cumulative] (umeK)
ADD : Community stats on Mod Clipstats [session,cumulative] (umeK)
IMPROVE : better clientchecking (umeK)
*Changelog European Community V2 [v0.6]:
ADD : Handle slotratio between community & other clients (umeK)
IMPROVE : show active downloading community clients on Community counter (umeK)
IMPROVE : small code optimizations (umeK)
New -XdP- Mod with the newest version of the European Community V2,some new features and improvements + fixes
Clean Install recommended!!!