_GHOST_ - 2011-06-27 11:54:46

eMule 0.50a -XdP- 5.3 Final


ADD : CountryBlock [block download from or upload to special editable country's | Friends and Community excluded!] (umeK)
ADD : new Prefpage with all advandced official preferences (umeK/MorphXT)
IMPROVE : enable/disable DL in bold on the fly [under advandced official prefs] (WiZaRd)
IMPROVE : rewritten Random Modstring code (umeK)
CHANGE : make "no server ads" switchable (umeK)
FIX : Client is always highid if we are connecting to them (Enig123)
FIX : Suifaker passing Ban because missing exclude from AntiUploaderBan calculation (umeK)
FIX/CHANGE : small changes on -XdP- prefspage [treecontrol] (umeK)
FIX/IMPROVE : rewritten and fixed Download Permissions code to work correctly
with CountryBlock (umeK)
REMOVE : Drop Win95 support (MorphXT)
REMOVE : Remove MediaInfo 0.4 Support (DolphinX)
IMPROVE/CHANGE : more cleanings and changes around the source (umeK)

have fun !!!


[Musisz być zalogowany, aby przeczytać ukrytą wiadomość]

www.elita-ulicy.pun.pl www.innominata.pun.pl www.selora.pun.pl www.pokemon-alien.pun.pl www.aguria.pun.pl