eMule 0.50a DarkSky Reloaded 5.0 fiNaL (no ratio)
-=DarkSky Reloaded 5.0=-
+---------------------------+ Coded by: +---------------------------+
>>>>>> Tribu <<<<<<
Und zum Ende noch nen paar Fixes no Ratio.... für ein Member dieses Boards. Ich lege das auch wieder erstmal auf Eis....
[+] fixed Bug in Antileecher now more succefull Uploads and more Src [+] No Upload for Leechers - switcheable [+] Full Slotcontrol [+] Get New Hash (plz if you use this restart emule in 2 hours) [+] many changes in Display [+] search extr. Sources [+] fix FakeRank [+] AntihideOS [+] realy great antileecher Features all in one ! bad Tags , Modchangers, Versionchangers, Nickthief, Bad Mods, Bad Names, Unknown Mods etc... [+] L2AHC [+] ICS [-] IRC [-] Wizard [+] Friendboost [+] FriendIcon [+]TransferStatistics - see this in Transferwindow + Uploadwindow ->Up/Downloadsession + up Download complete [+] New NickFakeSystem - Fake oFF - Fake AddOns - Fake Username when is possible [+] New FakeSystem - Fake oFF - Fake NonEmules - Fake Leechers - Fake all [+] best FakeRank [+] Kick/IpFilter Down + Upload [+] ReaskHack (Torni) [+] Muli Outfit switcheable Outfits under Colors [+] Up4Up - with Differenzblock [+] no Upload 4 Non EMules without Up4Up [+] Creditsysteme - Ultimate Leeching - PayBack [+] upkick for Releasefiles [+] Upkick for Friends [+] Share Only the Need (Hide) [+] Share Only Partfiles [+] No Upload PartFiles max 50 % of all (transferwindow) [+] Countryblock is Auto OFF (Switchable in Transferwindow) [+] Start Countryblock in Mode (activ,not activ) 1 for Upload 2 for Download 3 IPFilter (no Connect) 4 Schweiz,Östereich, Deutschland, Frankreich 5 2 x custom, unbekannt [+] Logs - you can see all Logs in ModLog (switchable) [+] new Icons - Prefs - Nickthief - Clone Mod,Version [+] TransferColorSystem - off - Red - Blue - green [+] AutoServer Disconnect (15min) [+] Upkicksystem [+] DiFFerenzblock [+] SourceSaver [+] Speedbar [+] new Splash [+] Toolbar (JVA/Shadow/Silversurfer) [+] Resourcebar (Wizard) [+] StartSound [+] IP2Country [+] FunnyNick [+] Dwonload in Bold [+] no FileList an den Server [+] Custom ModString or own Modstring or fake this one [+] show Lowid color [+] show Rq Diff color [+] show Friends in Color + Icons [+] diff. Colors & Bold [+] FileBuffersize up2 7.5mb [+] Drops Full & NNS [+] DropTimmings [+] autoUpdate [+] Ip-Filter + AdressField [+] Country-IPs + AutoUpdate [+] autoLoad Countryflag DLL (Wizard/EMF) [+] better Timings
DarkSky.Reloaded.5.0: [Musisz być zalogowany, aby przeczytać ukrytą wiadomość]
mirror: [Musisz być zalogowany, aby przeczytać ukrytą wiadomość]