leecher mods 4 ever ! Pełen dostęp po zalogowaniu ;)
Shareaza (wesja oficjalna)
Shareaza has been released! DC++ and Gnutella updates, enhanced anti-spam protection, multi-file download merging, and other fixes and improvements are included in this release. Shareaza was first released in mid-2002 with rapid development from its creator. In 2004, Shareaza became free and open source as its creator moved onto other pursuits. The project has faced internal and external battles at times, but it continues to survive and thrive in an increasingly hostile environment.
UWAGA !!!: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/s … in_Page/pl
na WIKI ważne informacje: http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shareaza
dodatek: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/s … ona_domowa
installer: Shareaza Win32.exe
installer: Shareaza_2.5.5.0_Win32_SSE2.exe