leecher mods 4 ever !  Centrum modów bojowych ;)

leecher mods 4 ever ! Pełen dostęp po zalogowaniu ;)


#1 2012-01-13 23:12:32



Punktów :   

_ eMule 0.50a -XdP- 5.5 RC2

eMule 0.50a -XdP- 5.5 RC2


UPDATE : European Community V2 (umeK)*
ADD : CommunityClientlist to colored lists feature (umeK)
ADD : Kad Term Cleanup (WiZaRd)
ADD : SuiCheck [check and punish for unsecure clients] (umeK)
IMPROVE : better leecher check & handling (umeK)
IMPROVE : reworked some parts of known leecher clients storefunction on lists (umeK)
IMPROVE : cleaner BadNick/Mod string detection method (umeK)
IMPROVE : small changes on Modversion system (umeK)
IMPROVE : Strict limit blocking/kicking options are now a standalone feature (umeK/idea GoRdiE)
IMPROVE : better leecherhandling in some situations (umeK)
IMPROVE : some code optimizations for score relevant features like Smart Credit-Push,Boost A4AF,additional Punishment and
IMPROVE : better mod defaults (umeK)
BadNick/Mod punishment (umeK)
CHANGE : higher adjustment range for Quickstart feature (umeK)
CHANGE : show Community sources per file dialog only if community enabled (umeK)
CHANGE : some string changes/cleanups (UmeK)
CHANGE : sorting upload slots logic (umeK/seen by taz)
CHANGE : showing of Communitysources per file @ downloadlist sourcescolumn (umeK/idea Neo)
FIX : CA not clearing bad DL counter on count <12k download sessions as failed - too easy for leechers to go clean [Xman/taz]
FIX : Transferwindow sideborders are not visible (umeK/thx to Neo)
FIX : division by zero on handle waitinglist in some cases [Crahsbug] (umeK)
FIX : possible overflow on AddRequestCount (zz_fly)
FIX : BadNick/Mod reduce factor MaxFloat now correct limited to 0.9 (umeK/thx for the hint Neo)
FIX : small issue on upload difference limit feature [strict limit] (umek)
REMOVE : show OwnCredits in clientdetail [useless because many several creditsystems are around] (umeK)
REMOVE : some unimportant settings from ClipStat feature (umeK)
REMOVE : SUIBanInfo (pP)
and many other changes and optimizations...

*Changelog European Community V2 [v1.4.x]:
ADD : Community client class check for score/boost relevant things (umeK)
IMPROVE : recode and fixed some stuff from Communityclientlist handling (umeK)
IMPROVE : better Community Creditsystem (umeK)
FIX : list crashes in some situations (umeK)
REMOVE : remove global community transfer stats from ClipStat feature (umeK/idea Neo)

many thx to hooligan,Neo,fabius,jodo,Black-Dragon and all others for testing & feedback... :jk:

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