leecher mods 4 ever !  Centrum modów bojowych ;)

leecher mods 4 ever ! Pełen dostęp po zalogowaniu ;)


#1 2012-05-28 19:28:43



Punktów :   

_ eMule 0.50a Euro-Com MoD v1.6

eMule 0.50a Euro-Com MoD v1.6


A Lite Mod made for the easy use with hundrets of optimizations & fixes
for the official eMule & the European Community V2 coupled with some useful features.

UPDATE : European Community V2 (umeK)*
ADD : Redesigned client detail dialog (BlueSonicBoy/JvA/umeK)
IMPROVE : some code optimizations on Sources Management [Kad-Boost,XS taken from newest XdP-source] (umeK)
IMPROVE : Better dumping (WiZaRd)
IMPROVE : Dumpfile Enumeration (WiZaRd)
IMPROVE : added some Kad optimizations (WiZ,umeK,netfinity,leuk_he)
CHANGE : remove some unneeded loglines for ban actions and adding reason strings (umeK)
FIX : a old bug that cause some strange crashes on kademlia in some situations (umeK)
FIX : minor NULL-Pointer bug in AddBannedClient (JVA)
FIX : a crash if we adding a friend (umeK)
FIX/IMPROVE : many other things around the mod (umeK)

*Changelog European Community V2 [v1.4.6]:
IMPROVE : small general code improvements (umeK)

*Changelog European Community V2 [v1.4.7]:
REMOVE : Flag indication on Communityclientlistctrl [not needed] (umeK)

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