leecher mods 4 ever ! Pełen dostęp po zalogowaniu ;)
eMule 0.50a StulleMule v7.0 Private by Engo3k
StulleMule Private by Engo3k
Build: Jan 16 2011
+Show all infos on title
+Show Session Download
+Aktive permission
+Don't Ban community/Friends
+UpPrios Whith-PS in DL-List
+PBF 1MB-start for part/finished Files
+Bold for FriendSlot & UnlimitedSlot
+Ask Server/Clients for new sources
+Commboost/Frindboost setable [2-500 1=Off]
+Anticom/Mod/Qr-Full - Reduce Score setable
+Commboost/AntiMod/Anticomm/Qr-Vol - Color to designer settings
+Save Last Request
+Push Part Files
+Many standard icons
+Cusomable Priority
+Release Boost for part finished files [2-40 1=Off]
+FileReaskTime [21-55]
+See onuploadqueue/feedback
+Max client upload time [5-360 mins]
+Max chunks to transfer [1-10]
+Remove block ratio [BR] clients
+Total UpDown column with pos./neg. colors - green/red
+drop client (to another file)
+Reask single
+Unlimited Slot
+Clear Banlist
+Client-BAN-Time [1-24H]
+Kick Single/All Upload Slots
+Clientsdetails editable for Copy/Paste to AntiCom/Mod
+Clients Share Visiblity + Color to designer settings
+Show IP [ClientDetailDialog]
+Don't remove spare trickle slot in UploadList for Client datarate
+Reducefactor for Leecher to 0 or 10-100% 100%=Off
-zZ-Ratio Restrictions
-PowerShare restrictions for partfile
-Friend restrictions [zzRatio 3KB/s to ->0KB/s = Unlimited]
-Slot Limiter restrictions ->[2-255]
-Server ads
+fix: SharedFilesCtrl. Permissionmenu(menu-title) has shown priority and not permission
[Musisz być zalogowany, aby przeczytać ukrytą wiadomość]